Tuesday, March 16, 2010


Wilkinson College and the Sociology Department is hosting an important event on Tuesday, March 23 at 7 p.m. in Memorial Hall on Chapman Campus called ... VIVE HAITI! Teach-In Benefit and EVERYONE is invited!

Come learn about the historical, social, and political context of Haiti through performance, film, & lecture. We will also be focusing our efforts to raising awareness and funds for the Haitian earthquake relief.

Robin Derby, UCLA Associate Professor of Modern Latin American and Caribbean History will be attending as our special guest and a small donation of $5 is suggested. All proceeds will go to Partners in Health, the largest Rural Health Care Provider in Haiti!

Please help us help others! It will be a great night for a wonderful cause!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Dodge College Update!

There has been a lot happening at Dodge College over the past few months! Our students have been all over the world making movies, and showcasing their films to foreign audiences. We have had many industry guests come talk to students about what it is like out in the “real world”. Faculty members have been working on projects and even enlisting student help! Check out the many exciting opportunities our students have had since 2010 started:

We launched the campaign in January for the next film building we are hoping to add. This building will feature more sound stages, classrooms, editing areas and even another theater.

Students in the Digital Art program took a trip to San Francisco to visit Pixar Studios. They got to see how their ideas started as sketch, and evolved into characters we all know and love.

A group of documentary students travelled to Machu Picchu over interterm. These students experienced the culture of the people there, and are able to tell their story through a heart-felt film.

Several Public Relations and Advertising students are working on a campaign for the 2010 Census, as part of a national competition. They have been all over campus prompting the Census in hope of getting
more Chapman students involved.

We are lucky to have the talented Richard Benjamin as our Filmmaker-In-Residence this semester. His experience in acting, directing, and producing is proving to be a insightful look into the movie industry for students. He screens films every week that he has worked on, and has given some great inside tips!

Click here to visit our website to learn more about these events and more